A Teachable Moment; Failure to qualify repeal of AB131.


The petition drive to qualify the repeal of California AB131 for the June ballot has fallen short of the required number of signatures and we only have ourselves to blame.  AB131, recently signed by Gov. Brown, provides access to college student aid for illegal aliens on top of previous legislation which provided in-state tuition, and all with our tax dollars.

This should have been easy.  I had petitions sitting on the counter at my business and 75 – 80% of people signed it if I brought it to their attention.  I didn’t always remember to bring it to people’s attention.  Even so I submitted 60 to 70 signatures.  It wasn’t enough!

I intended to walk my neighborhood and somehow never got around to it.  I didn’t worry much about it because, since it was so easy, I thought someone else would pick up the slack.  They didn’t.  It’s my failure.  It’s all of our failure!

This failure is indicative of a fatal complacency among the so called “silent majority”.  We make up two thirds of voters and let the one third lead us around by the nose.  If we continue to sit on our hands, waiting for someone else to fight for us, more and more progressive policy will be forced on us by Sacramento and Washington until the Country we grew up in is unrecognizable.  We must be silent no more!

It’s like the school yard bully who pushed everyone around because nobody would take a stand.  It’s time to take a stand!  They are laughing at us!

When Ruth Weiss announced the failure at our last Icaucus meeting  I felt ashamed.   She said we could do better than that and offered the perfect prayer for our “Silent Majority”.

The Knots Prayer

Dear God, Please untie the knots that are in my mind, my heart and my life.

Remove the have nots, the can nots and the do nots that limit me.

Erase the will nots, may nots and might nots that may find a home in my heart.

Release me from the could nots, would nots and should nots that obstruct my life.

And most of all, Dear God, I ask that you remove from my mind, my heart, and my life all of the am nots that I have allowed to hold me back, especially the thought that I am not good enough.


(Author known only to God)

We can do better.  We have to do better.  We have to stand up to the school yard bully!

Pass this on to everyone on your contact list.  Join a Tea Party group.  Join Icaucus, www.icaucus.org, and help vet candidates.  Get involved with the Election Integrity Project, www.electionintegrityproject.com.  Talk to your neighbors.  Host a candidate forum at your home.  Losing in November is not an option!





About allenlphillips

Fiscal conservative turned activist, blissfully married to a very supportive woman, retired small business owner, traveler, Christian.
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