By Allen L Phillips

Republicans are saying that the administration is using scare tactics regarding sequestration and they’re right.  The military says our ability to defend ourselves will be compromised.  Homeland Security says we may not be able to keep terrorists from our shores.  The FAA says air controllers will have to be furloughed, affecting the safety of air travel.  Obama is in Newport News today to talk about the impact on that ship building community.  Come on, people, its crap!

The sequestration cuts are less than 5%, and by some calculations less than 3 %.  The administration’s purpose here is to get citizens to call their congressmen and tell them to give in.  Don’t fall for it!

Obama wants more tax increases in any deal to massage the sequestration cuts.  He got his tax increases in the fiscal cliff deal in December.  Now he wants more.  Just say no!

California has already arrived where Obama is steering the country.  Those of us who live here should be used to such scare tactics.  ‘Pass this tax increase or there will be cuts to police, fire and education.’  Governor Jerry Brown campaigned for Proposition 30 tax increases last year on college campuses telling students the cost of tuition would go up if they didn’t vote for it.  Students and their parents turned out in record numbers to give Californians the highest taxes in the country.

We all need to contact our congressmen and tell them to stand fast.  Tell them we have their backs. 

We have been called the “silent majority”.  Remaining silent will lead to ever bigger government where our voices, and those of our children, will be harder and harder to hear.  We can’t let that happen!

About allenlphillips

Fiscal conservative turned activist, blissfully married to a very supportive woman, retired small business owner, traveler, Christian.
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