by Allen L Phillips

With our support, Carl DeMaio, San Diego talk show host, and Reform California have succeeded in collecting enough signatures to put Prop 6 on the November ballot.

Governor Brown and his backers are committing $15 million to defeat Prop 6 so our work is not done.  But Carl feels that we can win with just a modest campaign and is asking for three things:

Contribute again.  Nearly 25,000 voters contributed an average of $37 during the signature gathering phase.  If we can do that again we can win.  Go to to donate.

Spread the word.  Send this info to your friends.  Tell them to go to and pledge to vote yes on Prop 6.  Those active on Facebook can also grab their Yellow/Blue Logo off the site and post it to Facebook.

Request LAWN SIGNS and GAS PUMP STICKERS at and use them. (Ask permission where you get gas before posting the gas pump stickers).  The gas pump stickers can also be applied to your car or to your company bulletin board, if allowed.

What’s at stake?  Carl points out that this tax, along with the hike in registration fees, will cost the average family of 4 nearly $800 per year and the tax will automatically increase each year.

This is our chance to push back and force more fiscal responsibility on our State government.

Let’s get on board.

About allenlphillips

Fiscal conservative turned activist, blissfully married to a very supportive woman, retired small business owner, traveler, Christian.
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